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Natural Collection

Raccolto logo

About us

Quienes Somos

We are a young company, dedicated to national and international marketing of agricultural products, focused on work with communities in the rural region, with a solid commitment to generate a value added impacting the economic, social and environment sustainable on the time, searching for business alliances transparent and long term.

Our values

Through our experience, we develop unique and personalized relationships by meeting the needs of our clients, helping to find precise solutions to market requirements and sustainability objectives.

Our values

Fair Prices

We positively impact small producers and suppliers through the direct acquisition of raw materials, giving priority to working with rural communities in areas of difficult access, in vulnerable conditions or that have been hit by violence.

We innovate to build

through a human team with the highest technical and human skills, with whom we find ourselves in the permanent search for innovations, techniques, processes, tools and protocols that contribute to the objectives of sustainable development.

Passion for what we do

At Raccolto SAS BIC, we have a multidisciplinary work team, in charge of making good things happen. We work with a firm commitment to improving the quality of life of our allied producers, helping to find the right solutions to market needs.

Socially and Environmentally Responsible

We accept our responsibility to coffee producers when we connect them to the opportunities of challenging global markets. We are aware of our impact and we are committed to the advancement of rural communities, the environment and the conscious economy.

Freeze-dried fruits

Fruit Snacks

Freeze-dried Fruits: Our Varieties

The freeze-dried process is a conservation technique based on drying by sublimation of the water contained on the fruits.  Processes such as freezing, vacuum and moisture extraction converge in it. As a result, the majority of characteristics such as aroma and flavor are preserved.


  1. The flavor of freeze-dried fruit is almost equal to the fresh fruit
  2. The freeze-dried fruit hasn’t more sugar than the fresh fruit
  3. It also hasn’t more calories than the fresh fruit
  4. The freeze-dried process maintains the fiber on the fruit and even increases it
  5. Concentrate all the antioxidants of fresh fruit
  6. It’s perfect toe at quickly anywhere anytime
  7. It could be perfectly preserved for more than 18 months

Available Fruits
Fruit mix

fruta deshidratada
Raccolto Fruta liofilizada Banano empaque
Freeze-dried process

Selection of the best fruit


It is classified


Cold storage


It is peeled and cut


The fruit freezes up


The water is drawn


The fruit is packed up.

The fruits are an essential part of feeding and must be included in the daily menu, since the human body needs vitamins and minerals that fruits provide.

"100% natural product, without additives, preservatives or artificial colorants."
fleurs blanches

roasted coffee

plato madera2
cafe granos

Enjoy our flavors

Roasted Coffee: Our Varieties

We are passionate about coffee for these reasons we want to offer our clients a unique sensory experience.


mapa co depto

Regional Huila

Regional Tolima

Regional Cauca

Regional Antioquia

Regional Santander

All our coffees fulfill rigorous quality standards, we take care every detail from harvest to roasting
raccolto productores 2
organic and righteous

Our Producers

More than simple commercial exchanges, we want to establish genuine bonds of trust and solid alliances of cooperation and education with producers.

  • Training in the coffee industry.

  • Introduction to physical and sensory analysis.

  • Profiling of high-quality coffees

  • Logistics and export

We export the best of Colombian coffees

We are green coffee exporters.

We work directly with allied producers in different regions of the country, our commitment is to improve the quality of life of our allies.

We are a marketing company of origin, we connect with the best and most varied sensory profiles, selecting the best grains of each harvest, guaranteeing transparency and traceability.

Our work team carefully verifies the quality of the products in each of the production stages, using the most demanding international standards and protocols.

“We select the best of the coffees of each harvest”

Our origins

We connect with the most varied profiles thanks to the dedicated work of producing families committed to quality.

mapa co depto

Regional Huila


Regional Tolima

Regional Cauca

Regional Antioquia

Antioquia: It is the second largest coffee producer nationwide, its producing areas are located in the central and western mountain ranges, it has more than 80 producing families and 123,000 hectares dedicated to coffee production.

Tolima: It is the third largest coffee producer nationwide, its producing areas are located in the foothills of the central and eastern mountain ranges, it has more than 61 producing families and 107,000 hectares dedicated to coffee production.

Huila: It is the first coffee producer nationwide, it is recognized worldwide for having some of the best sensory profiles and a wide portfolio of coffee varieties, it has more than 83 producing families and 144 thousand hectares dedicated to coffee production.

Cauca: It is the 4th largest coffee producer nationwide, its varied topography classifies it as one of the most varied origins in sensory profiles, it has more than 90,000 coffee-growing families and 93,000 hectares dedicated to coffee production.

Welcome to Raccolto

We are exporters of Colombian coffee of the best quality, write us to get in touch with you.